Perinatal Chiropractic Care

One of our specialties is caring for women during pregnancy. We’ve found that low back pain is one of the main complaints among women during pregnancy. Research has shown women under consistent chiropractic care before and during their pregnancies see a decrease in labor pains and delivery times. Who doesn’t want to hear that!?! 

During pregnancy, mom’s center of gravity shifts to accommodate the growing baby. This shift happens when mom’s hips rotate, which also causes tension in the low back, ligaments, and tissues. At the same time, hormonal changes (e.g., Relaxin) are occurring in mom causing issues like round ligament pain, low back pain, and sciatica. As Relaxin increases, ligaments loosen causing mom’s center of gravity to shift even further. As hips rotate, the mid and upper back must also shift to accommodate, potentially causing additional tension and pain. Neck pain and headaches often follow due to the compensation from the structural shifts in the mid and lower body. 

Reasons why women seek out chiropractic care during pregnancy:

  • Healthier overall pregnancy
  • Nausea & Excessive Vomiting (Hyperemesis Gravidarum)
  • Reflux & Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Neck Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Upper & Mid Back Pain & Tension
  • Joint Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Pubic Bone Pain
  • Pelvic Pain 
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Round Ligament Pain

Patients and their birthing team have also reported the following benefits of chiropractic care: 

  • Support of Natural Labor & Delivery
  • Proper Position of Baby
  • Reduced Risk of Breech or Flipping Breech Baby
  • Reduced Instances of Dystocia (Difficult Labor)
  • Reduction in Labor Time
  • Reduction in Pain during Labor (Reducing Need for Drugs)
  • Reduction in Likelihood of Cesarean-Section 
  • Less Incidence of Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

What we have found in our office is that women who are under specific chiropractic care, such as the Webster Technique, before or during the early stages of pregnancy experience less pain during pregnancy.

We use the Webster Technique in the office to address the sacrum and round ligaments of pregnant women. And what woman wouldn’t want less pain during pregnancy?!?

Are you pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant? Call us today to schedule an appointment with the best perinatal chiropractor near you.

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