What is the big deal with neuro-based, family-focused chiropractic?! It’s pretty simple really. It’s one of the coolest things EVER to get to help regulate someone’s nervous system and see the changes they and their entire family get to go through.

Understanding the Brain-Body Connection

The brain is one big sensory organ. What does that mean? It means it’s main job is to interpret it’s environment, meaning… your body. All day long hundreds of thousands of messages are relayed from all parts of the body to the brain for processing. The brain interprets what is going on and what is needed then responds accordingly the best it can based on the information it gets.

https://youtube.com/shorts/RVaYi5Ubx34 for full youtube video.

But, what if the message from different parts of the body is blocked or distorted? There’s actually a name for this, it’s called dysafferentation. Now the brain makes its assessment and response based on ‘fuzzy’ or incomplete information. Here’s the thing, the brain does THE BEST it possibly can in every situation given whatever information it has. But do we really want our body’s master controller operating and deciding based on less than all the info? Doesn’t sound very efficient. What if the brain was able to get more, clear information from all parts of your body and made better/different decisions? I wonder if the body would work more efficiently and be stronger, more resilient? Ever wonder if there’s a way to help the body and nervous system have less dysafferentation so the brain gets better messages?

How Does Neuro-Tonal Chiropractic Work

Neuro-tonal chiropractic can actually help with dysafferentation. Targeting these areas of ‘stuck’ energy by using neurological scans to locate specific areas and delivering a specific neuro-tonal adjustment can help change or relieve this ‘stuck’ energy and dysafferentation allowing the body to better connect and communicate with the brain. Now the brain can better interpret what’s actually happening in the body and respond accordingly to help get back to homeostasis and balance.

Addressing Dykinesia and Dysafferentation That’s Affecting Families

How does this happen in the first place? Well, here’s a quick breakdown… Stress in forms of physical, chemical and/or emotional traumas cause what we refer to as dyskinesia (stuck energy) in the nervous system. This stuck energy in the nervous system affects the communication and makes communication fuzzy (dysafferentation). This causes the brain to make decisions and respond without having proper information which can cause improper signaling or relaying of information (dysponesis). Neuro-tonal chiropractic goes back to the suck energy areas and makes corrections helping to stop the process at the beginning as opposed to treating the symptoms that will inevitably occur. What are those symptoms? We never know for sure but some of the more common symptoms related to dyskinesia, disafferentation, and dysponesis are: ADHD, Asthma, Allergies, Autism, Autoimmune issues, Headaches, Back and joint pain, Sciatica, Indigestion,

Natural healthcare at its best. People living better, healthier, more engaged lives. Creating connections. Building community. Making a difference. Heck, why would anyone want to be a chiropractor 😉?!


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The power that made the body heals the body.
