Natural health premise #3 simply says that if you remove or correct an interference or a block that is causing something (the body) to work less efficiently, it will work more efficiently. Crazy, right?!

Recapping the First Two Natural Health Premises

Lets recap the first two premises so the third one makes even more sense. Premise one says that the body was created to self-regulate and self-heal. It regulates and heals because it was created with a central nervous system that controls and coordinates all parts.

Premise number two says that if you encounter enough stress in the form of physical, chemical, or emotional (think thoughts, toxins, traumas) energy in the nervous system can get ‘stuck’ (dyskinesia) and cause fuzzy or incomplete information to be relayed from different parts of the body to the brain (dysafferentation). Fuzzy or incomplete information for the brain can be confusing. The brain still has to and does a great job at interpreting the information the best it can, it just does so lacking some information it should have. Synopsys of premise number two… the body doesn’t work as efficiently if it is interfered with.

What Happens if you Correct or Remove the Interferences

This leads us to premise number three. If we can go back to the start as opposed to working backwards and remove the road block or correct the stuck energy, the body can begin communitcating more efficiently and work better. The body has more potential to be stronger, healthier and last longer if it isn’t interfered with. Full YouTube video here

Our Body’s are Systems That Require Regular Checks for Optimal Functioning

You know whats crazy about this whole natural health idea? If you apply the same principles to inanimate objects, which we do, they work better. This process is used all over with conventional products and materials and are made stronger and more efficient. It’s almost mind boggling that when we talk about applying this same idea to the body that it is frowned upon and confusing.

But seriously, why don’t we talk about health this way. Why is it so outside the box and so ‘alternative’ to think that the body is self-regulating and self-healing? If we check for road blocks and interference and correct them when found, doesn’t it make sense that the body will work better? If you take your car in for routing maintenance and they find something and correct/fix it, that’s a normal process. The car works better and last longer.

What if we applied this same principle to our bodies? Check for interference or something that’s stuck and correct it… unstuck it. Something to think about. Premise number three pulls it all together.

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