In a dirty dumpster filled with trash you’ll likely find bateria, viruses, and rats. Know what you’ll likely find in a body filled with trash?

Every wonder why some people get sick all the time and others seem to never get sick? What really might blow your mind is when we talk about identical twins. If identical twins have identical genes then why does one get sick and have health issues and the other doesn’t? Why can one be plagued with asthma, allergies, ADHD and auto-immune or sensory processing disorders but the other twin doesn’t? Why can one twin get heart disease or cancer that the other is healthy? When it comes to lifesyle habits and health, I wonder, does one twin have a full dumpster and the other works on constantly emptying theirs?

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Why Do Some Thrive While Others Struggle?

What’s a possible answer to one person (twin) having poor health and the other have good health? It’s not bad luck, or bad genes… that’s just bad science. The answer lies in our LIFESTYLE. And, if we want to talk about genetics we really need to be talking about EPI-genetics. Epigenetics are what cause the genes we have to be expressed or not. You know what affects epigenetics…lifestyle. Negative and poor lifestyle choices cause our dumpters to constantly fill and even overflow.

Someone with a full dumpster (constantly filling their body with trash) is more likely to constantly be sick. They’re more likely to ‘catch’ whatever is going around the office or the classroom. They’re more likely to seem stressed constantly and miss work, school, or activities due to sickness. So so muchof it has to do with lifestyle habits and health.

Don’t get me wrong, we all make decisions that add to our dumpsters. Did you know that every year when I draft my fantasy football team I get a large pizza delivered and have a cooler of cold beers sitting next to me?! Talk about filling up your dumpster! However, I know I can’t make that a daily decision or a daily lifestyle. And, then there’s this… even if we don’t make poor health decions directly, the air we breath, water we drink and mental stress we constantly encounter will fill our dumpters all by themselves.

Recognizing Poor Lifestyle Habits: Are You Filling Your Dumpster?

Check this out. Person A appreciates life and is thankful for what they have and person B is a negative nancy. Person A also has strong relationships and person B has toxic and struggling relationships. Now imagine person A eats and drinks a healthy diet and person B eats processed foods, dyes, and other trash. Also, person A understands the value and benefits of moving their body and gets regular exercise and person B is a couch potato. Person A get regular NEURO-TONAL SPECIFIC CHIROPRACTIC and person B doesn’t see the point in an efficiently working nervous system. You can see how these lifestyle habits start to stack. Neither person A nor person B should be blaming genes or luck… it’s lifestyle. Small lifestyle habits lead to health or lack thereof.

So, if you constantly fill your body with bad/negative thoughts and experiences, toxic/garbage food and drink (or even the scented wall plug-ins or candles), and deprive your body of physical exercise you are adding stress to your body and nervous system at every level. Your body was created pretty amazing, but it’s not magic.

In fact, if we make poor lifestyle decisions that lead us down a road of bad health and medications, dis-ease and symptoms, and an overall unhappy life that eventually causes an early death, there’s a phrase for that. Suicide by lifestyle. It’s not your family’s fault, your genes fault, or bad lucks fault…

How full is your dumpster?

Taking Responsibility: Lifestyle Habits To Help Keep Your Dumpster from Overflowing

So what can you do to start emptying and keeping your dumpster from overflowing? Implement small steps and don’t be overly strict. Add an extra homecooked meal or a salad once a week. Exercise. Just start. A 30 min walk in the morning is great for all parts of your body. Read. Even if it’s two pages. Read something and/or learn something new. Breathing techniques to stimulate the vagus nerve… Lifestyle habits and health.

One more… Neuro-tonal chiropractic. If you’ve never experienced neuro-tonal chiropractic this may be a good thing to reach out and discuss with a local neuro chiropractor. Keeping the gas/brake pedal of your nervous system balanced can make a big difference in your body regulating stress. Operating with only a gas pedal that is stuck down never ends well. Stimulating the vagus nerve (responsible for rest and digest, recovery, learning, and growth) with adjustments is a great way for the entire body to relax and communicate more efficiently. Since your central nervous system is the master controller of your entire body, always a good idea to make sure it’s well connected and tunned up. Click the link to find a neuro-tonal chiropractor in your area